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St Mark's Church is highly dependent upon the generosity of its congregation and other donors and we encourage gifts towards the upkeep and mission of the St Mark's. Without your help we would not be able to run the church and we are deeply grateful to those who offer their time, talents and financial support. 

There are different ways in which you can make a gift to St Mark's:

Single Gifts

Donations in cash or by cheque can be made at the Offering during Sunday services.  Cheques should be made out to  "St. Marks, Bromley PCC". Gifts may also be made using the contactless payment machine at the rear of the Church at any time.

Regular Gifts

Regular Gifts are the most efficient way of supporting St Mark's as it spreads your contribution over a period of time, helps with reclaiming tax and enables the Church to predict future income with more certainty.  You can set up a regular gift online using a debit or credit card by filling in the form below and ticking the box on how you wish to give. Alternatively, you can set up a Standing Order directly from your bank account. For any advice on giving, please contact St. Mark's  Treasurer, or one of the church wardens


Gift Aid

As a registered charity, St Mark's can reclaim tax at the basic rate on all donations made under the Gift Aid scheme. This means that we receive an additional £25 from HMRC on every £100 of gifts made by UK tax payers, at no additional cost to the donors. If you are a UK taxpayer, please make sure you download, sign and return via one of the church wardens or the treasurer a Gift Aid Declaration

Making a Bequest

By leaving a legacy to St Mark's in your will, you can help ensure that it will continue its work serving the people of Bromley after your death. To find out more about leaving a legacy, or if you'd like to talk about the best way of supporting the church, please contact one of the church wardens or the treasurer for advice.


For more information, please get in touch via the Contact page.

Planning your Visit