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St Mark’s, Bromley – newsletter from the Vicar, February 2024

Nativity to Candlemas

Dear readers,
Writing to you around the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas), 2nd February this is the end of the 40-day span since Christmas Day. The end of one season with two Sundays now to quick step into Lent.
Looking back..
Thanks to all who made the Christmas services so special: the musicians in the choir led by Director of Music Andrew and Organist Ralf; the Altar Serving and Vestry team, and Pam for the flowers in church for Christmas Day. Thanks also to Churchwarden Richard and his team of stewards and helpers and those who assisted with the ‘Carols for all’ on Christmas Eve. This was a popular service with a range of age groups particularly those with children. Numbers attending church over the season were at last back to those in 2019 pre-Covid and many churches are finding the same.
The church was in use every day during December:
St Mark’s Primary school for Nativities, Carol services and end of term services including many rehearsals.
Two local nurseries for their Nativities and rehearsals
The Scouts (to whom this Vicar is Chaplain) had their Christmas Service and knees up. Nothing stronger than hot chocolate I hasten to add.It is heartening to witness and know that the narrative of the Good News of Jesus Christ lives on and is passed from generation to generation.
Also, during Advent St Mark’s Choir led the fantastic Nine Lessons and Carols, ever popular with the congregation and locals. As attributed to St Augustine of Hippo, ‘the one who sings prays twice’.
Thanks to you, dear reader for supporting St Mark’s and to all who help financially, spiritually, in governance, safeguarding, recruitment, practically, and in so many other ways including coffee serving on Sundays and at the Toddler Group and to those who manage the Church Room (hall) bookings and Friendship Lunches.

Looking forward….
The closing acclamation of the liturgy for Candlemas is ‘we turn from the crib to the cross’
Some of you engaged with the Advent study, ‘Bethlehem Bound’ by Andrew Nunn, former Dean of Southwark, and the discussion group. The book looked deeply day by day at each character in the birth narrative. Eventually it leads us on to the journey to Jerusalem from the holy child in the crib to the passion and the cross.
The 40 days of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday 14th February this year, which happens to be Valentine’s Day, so be it to your conscience as to whether or not you negate the Holy Day of Obligate for sweet treats and a tipple!
After a break from abstinence for a day on Mothering Sunday 10th March we move to Palm Sunday on 24th and the liturgy of the passion then into Holy Week with Maundy (or ‘sheer’) Thursday on 28th – the clergy will be at Rochester Cathedral in the morning for the Chrism mass and renewal of vows. Please see noticeboards and pew papers for the service on this day at St Mark’s and the next day Good Friday in preparation for the glorious Easter morning on Sunday 31st March.
If you are interested in some study during Lent there will be a book discussion course on Saturdays 24th February, 2nd March and 16th March in the hall at 10am based on ‘Passions of the Soul’, the latest writing from Rowan Williams the previous Archbishop of Canterbury.  Please see the noticeboard (and pew papers) for details and sign up list.
In all of the above may I give a special thanks to ministerial colleagues; Curate Lizzie, retired clergy Neil and Margaret and Reader Carol for their input and assistance during the past year and to all who read, intercede and help in any way liturgically and pastorally.
Best wishes and Blessings,
The Revd Canon Victoria Pask                                              
Vicar, St Mark’s
& Area Dean, Bromley.

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